Hot-n-Fun è la canzone della pubblicità del profumo Lady Million di Paco Rabanne

La canzone  Hot-n-Fun dei N.E.R.D. con inserti vocali di Nelly Furtado è la musica degli spot dei profumi Million e Lady Million di Paco Rabanne.

 Hot-n-Fun è un singolo pubblicato nel maggio 2010 primo estratto del loro quarto album in studio, di cui anticipa l'uscita, Nothing (uscito poi a novembre)

I N.E.R.D. sono una funk rock band statunitense formata da Chad Hugo, Shay Haley e dalla star Pharrell Williams, front man e cantante del gruppo, oltre che autore, in questo caso, di Hot-n-Fun.
N.E.R.D. è un acronimo di No-one Ever Really Dies

Nelly Furtado, 39 anni, è una cantante, cantautrice e attrice canadese di origini portoghesi. Fra i suoi maggiori successi  Say It Right (2009) e Promiscuous  ft. Timbaland (2009)

Okay, we wrote this for a purpose,
To motivate you at this time,
With this hypnotizing bass line,
Please feel free to lose your mind,
And get high, get money, get sex, get real,
All intertwined
Oh yeah, this is stadium music,
Fifty thousand at a time
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
All the girls want, hot-n-fun
All they looking for is, hot-n-fun
All they ask for is, hot-n-fun
They keep wanting that, hot-n-fun
Look at you, look at me
Look at you, look at me
Let it go
Let it go
Homeboy, she's dancing for a reason,
Not just cause on I'm on her hind,
Homeboy is totally obvi',
You don't be listening to her mind,
She want to get right, get money, get sex, get real,

All intertwined
This is stadium music,
Fifty thou' jumping at a time
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
All the girls want, hot-n-fun
All they looking for is, hot-n-fun
All they ask for is, hot-n-fun
They keep wanting that, hot-n-fun
Look at you, look at me
Look at you, look at me
Hot-n-fun, hot-n-fun
And then he's breathing,
Love into lust,
So many reasons,
To save the cast,
Cause 'tis the season
It's a new day,
People don't want to think no more,
They just want to feel
They want to let go
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
All the girls want, hot-n-fun
All they looking for is, hot-n-fun
All they ask for is, hot-n-fun
They keep wanting that, hot-n-fun
Look at you, look at me
Look at you, look at me
Hot-n-fun, hot-n-fun
And then he's breathing,
Love into lust,
So many reasons,
To save the cast,
Cause 'tis the season
Come on
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
Let's get right, let's get right
Let's get right, okay (okay)
Hello, I miss you
All my motherfucking girls
Its a new day
Life as uh, life as you know it has changed
Or it just dies


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