Andrea Rossi said: "This plant will make history ..."

"This plant will make history, if the results will be positive" said Andrea Rossi during an exchange with a reader on the Journal of Nuclear Physics (July 30th, 2014), talking about the 1MW industrial ECAT in operation at an unknown customer.

George M
July 29th, 2014 at 8:13 PM
Dear Andrea,
Do you think your 1MW plant will be ready for demo within this year.
George M

Andrea Rossi
July 30th, 2014 at 8:16 AM
George M: The 1 MW plant is not a demo, is a plant in operation to work for a Customer. It is a factory, not a show room !
Visits will be allowed when the Customer will allow them, maybe within the year. This plant will make history, if the results will be positive, and every step has to be calculated with precision.
I have to add that the results could be positive, but also negative and that the results will be considered positive only after months of regular and reliable operation.
Warm Regards,

The website tracks recent postings to Andrea Rossi's Journal of Nuclear Physics.


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